Śrī Raghunandana Ṭhākura

Chapter, Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

Some people said, “Anyone who is dear to Raghunandan will win Mahāprabhu’s mercy for life after life.” Others said, “Raghunandan is so merciful that he gives life to the most humble and fallen.” Some said,

  • vyūhas tṛtīyaḥ pradyumnaḥ priya-narma-sakho’bhavat
    cakre līlā-sahāyaṁ yo rādhā-mādhavayor vraje
    śrī-caitanyādvaita-tanuḥ sa eva raghunandanaḥ

    The third member of the catur-vyūha, Pradyumna, took part in Rādhā-Mādhava’s līlā in Vraja as Kṛṣṇa’s intimate friend or priya-narma-sakhā. He has now appeared as Raghunandana, whose body is not different from that of Śrī Caitanya. (Gaura-gaṇoddeśa-dīpikā 70)

    Raghunandana was born into a family of physicians1 in the Śaka year 1432 (1511 AD). His father’s name was Mukunda Dāsa, his mother’s name is unknown. Mukunda Dāsa was Narahari Sarakāra Ṭhākura’s older brother. In Caitanya Caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā, Chapter 15, it is clearly said that Mukunda Dāsa was a physician to the king.

    Externally, he appears to be engaged in government service as a physician to the king. But in his inner life, he is filled with divine love. Who can know the extent of his love? (Caitanya Caritāmṛta 2.15.120)

    Once when Mukunda Dāsa was engaged in treating the king, he saw a peacock feather and fainted. This incident is also described in the Caitanya Caritāmṛta (2.15.121). On the Burdwan-Katwa rail line, Sripat Srikhanda station comes first, and then Srikhanda. Mukunda Dāsa’s home is about one mile from the Srikhanda station. Raghunandana Ṭhākura took birth on the Vasanta Paṣcamī day. His uncle Narahari took a great deal of interest in raising Raghunandana, for whom he had much affection.

    Caitanya Mahāprabhu indicated that one’s seniority depends on the depth of devotion, by affirming Mukunda Dāsa’s son to be really his father.

    The three most important devotees from Srikhanda were Mukunda Dāsa, Raghunandana and Narahari. Mahāprabhu asked Mukunda Dāsa, “Are you Raghunandana’s father and he, your son? Or, is he your father and you his son? Tell me so that I can put My doubts to rest.” Mukunda answered, “Raghunandana is my father and I am his son, rest assured. Whatever devotion we have comes from him, therefore I see him as my father.” When he heard Mukunda Dāsa’s answer, Mahāprabhu was thrilled and said, “He from whom we imbibe devotion should always be considered our senior.” (Caitanya Caritāmṛta 2.15.112-117)

  • Raghunandana and Gopīnātha Deity

    Mahāprabhu gave Raghunandana the service of deity worship. He constantly engaged in the service of Śrī Kṛṣṇa. He had no interest other than that. (Caitanya Caritāmṛta 2.15.131)

    In his early childhood, Raghunandana Ṭhākura fed lāḍḍus to the family’s Gopīnātha deity. Uddhava Dāsa has written a song in which this līlā is described:

    “Mukunda Dāsa lived in the village of Srikhanda, with his household deity Gopīnātha. One day he had to go somewhere for work and he called Raghunandana to do the service.

    “He said, ‘In this house we worship Kṛṣṇa, so I want you to be sure to give Him something to eat.’ He then left. Raghunandana did as his father had ordered and brought the offering in front of the deity.

    “Raghunandana was just a child and in his simplicity, he said to Gopīnātha, ‘Eat! Eat!’ Saying thus he cried. Kṛṣṇa, Who is controlled by love, ate everything on the plate without being noticed by anyone.

    “When Mukunda Dāsa returned, he asked the boy to bring him the prasāda from the offering he had made. The child answered, ‘Father, He ate everything and left no remnants.’

    “Mukunda was astonished at his child’s wondrous words. Another day he asked him to make an offering again. This time after he left the house, he returned and hid to watch what his son did.

    “Raghunandan joyfully placed a lāḍḍu in Kṛṣṇa’s hand and said repeatedly, ‘Eat! Eat!’ When Kṛṣṇa had eaten half of the lāḍḍu, Mukunda Dāsa came in the doorway. Mukunda saw that Kṛṣṇa did not take another bite and that the half-eaten lāḍḍu remained in His hand. This caused him to be filled with love. He embraced his child and as tears of joy rained from his eyes, spoke to him in a broken voice.

    “To this day, fortunate people come to Srikhanda to see the half-eaten lāḍḍu in Gopīnātha’s hand. Raghunandana is not different from Cupid himself, says Uddhava Dāsa with great feeling.”

    [All the devotees] felt fascinated to see the Gopīnātha deity to whom Raghunandana had fed lāḍḍus. (Bhakti-ratnākara 9.525)

  • Glories of Raghunandana

    Narahari Sarakāra Ṭhākura gave honey to Nityānanda Prabhu and Mahāprabhu from a pond right next to the home. This pond became known as Madhu Puṣkariṇī. The legend is told that a kadamba tree which grew right next to this pond always had two flowers blooming regardless of the season by Raghunandana’s miraculous powers.

    According to the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava Abhidhāna, another miraculous event took place in Raghunandana’s life: One day, Abhirāma Ṭhākura came to Srikhanda and paid his obeisances to Raghunandana. Then he embraced him and melted with feelings of prema. Raghunandana started to dance and sing kīrtana, and while doing so, one of his ankle bells slipped from his foot and went flying off, landing four miles away in Akai Hat near his disciple Kṛṣṇadāsa’s house. Later, in order to commemorate the event, a tank was excavated in that village and given the name Nūpura-kuṇḍa.

    Mahāprabhu, the father of saṅkīrtana, gave His adopted son Raghunandana Ṭhākura the authority to offer sandalwood paste and garlands on the adhivāsa (preliminary) day of saṅkīrtana yajṣa and to make the final offering at the yajṣa’s end.

    Raghunandana Ṭhākura accompanied the Bengali devotees to Purī every year during the cāturmāsya. He would dance with his uncle Narahari at the Ratha-yātrā festival in the group formed by the residents of Srikhanda.

    He participated in the Kheturī festival organized by Narottama Dāsa Ṭhākura, at Gadādhara Dāsa’s festival in Katwa, and at the commemorative festival for Narahari Sarakāra Ṭhākura in Srikhanda.

    Some people said, “Mahāprabhu remains permanently subjugated to anyone who has love for Raghunandana.” Others said, “Raghunandana is very merciful. He is the life of the humblest and fallen.” Some said, “What humility! There is no one who is his equal.” And others, “He is as beautiful as Cupid himself!” (Bhakti-ratnākara 9.660 ff.)

  • Raghunandana Blesses Śrīnivāsa Ācārya

    Śrīla Raghunandana Ṭhākura had great affection for Śrīnivāsa Ācārya. Prior to his disappearance he consoled Śrīnivāsa Ācārya that despite the difficult times, he would be able to spread Vaiṣṇava-dharma in the future:

    “A difficult time is coming in which people will succumb to various doubts. Narahari Prabhu wrote in his Śrī-Kṛṣṇa-bhajanāmṛta:

    kṛṣṇa-caitanya-candreṇa nityānandena saṁhṛte
    avatāre kalāv asmin vaiṣṇavāḥ sarva eva hi
    bhaviṣyanti sadodvignāḥ kāle kāle dine dine
    prāyaḥ sandigdha-hṛdayā uttametara-madhyamāḥ
    (verses 3-4)

    “Once our Lord Kṛṣṇa Caitanya and His companion Nityānanda Prabhu have concluded Their pastimes in the material world, the Vaiṣṇavas in this age of Kali will become more anxious with every passing day. Whether very advanced, somewhat advanced or neophyte, their hearts will nearly always be filled with doubt.

    “But don’t let this worry you. Lord Gaurāṅga will accomplish many great works through you. I bless you that you remain long on this earth and that you and your followers propagate our Lord’s doctrines. Those who are opposed to devotion to Kṛṣṇa will become devotees by your influence and they will take shelter of you.” (Bhakti-ratnākara 13.174-9)

    Raghunandana Ṭhākura bequeathed the service of his Gaura-Gopāla deity to his son Kānāi Ṭhākura and then left this world on the fourth day of the waxing moon (śuklā caturthī) in the month of Śrāvaṇa. Kānāi Ṭhākura gave a feast as a part of his father’s last rites:

    Raghunandana slowly became hidden to mortal eyes while repeating the Names of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya again and again. How glorious is that day of Śrāvaṇa śuklā caturthī! Will anyone not sing the glories of Raghunandana Ṭhākura? (Bhakti-ratnākara 13.183-4)

    1 See chapter on Narahari Sarakāra Ṭhākura.

Excerpt from "Sri Chaitanya: His Life and Associates" by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

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