100 Years
in Celebration

Birth Centennial Annual of Om Vishnupad 108 Sri Srimad Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, Acharya of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math (Regd.)

If any kind of offence is committed out of mistake, atonement is to take shelter of Harinam and pray for His mercy. Whatever you do, you should do with sincerity. Krishna has said emphatically, a sincere soul will never be deceived.

Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj


Magha, January 25, 2025


Fasting for Shattila Ekadashi

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    Harikatha Delivered on Shat-tila Ekadashi (Hindi)

    Srila Gurudev first narrates the benefit of observing Ekadashi-vrat mentioned in karma-kand scriptures and also the reasons for mentioning of such temporary benefits which is to attract conditioned souls to observe Ekadashi-vrat somehow or the other. Further explains that the real purpose of observing such vows is to attain pure devotion to the Lord. Also, he elaborates on the instructions of Sukadev Goswami to Parikshit Maharaj on how to eradicate the propensity of performing sinful activities from the heart.

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    Harikatha Delivered on Shat-tila Ekadashi (Bangla)

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      Śrī Locana Dāsa Ṭhākura

      When Locana Dāsa arrived in Amedpur, he was unable to remember where his in-laws' house was, since it had been so long since he had visited. He asked a young girl in the street for directions, addressing her as ‘mā' or ‘mother’. When he arrived at his in-laws’ house, he found out that the girl whom he had addressed as

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      Glories of Lochan Dāsa Ṭhākura Spoken on His Disappearance Day

      In this harikatha, Srila Gurudev imparts to us the very essential teaching he received from his Gurudeva and Guruvarga that we should remember and pray for the grace of Guru, Vaishnava and Bhagavan always, especially on their appearance and disappearance days. He says, in fact remembering them is the sole objective of performing all our devotional practices. Later he narrates how Lochan Das Thakur dedicated his life fully for the service of his Gurudev and how his Gurudev made arrangements to fulfill his desires. He emphasized on the need of full surrender to get the grace of the Supreme Lord citing the pastime of Draupadi’s gradual surrender while calling out Krishna for help.

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      Nitāi guṇa-maṇi āmār

      While writing Chaitanya Mangal, Lochan Das Thakur got fully absorbed in singing the glories of his Gurudev, Srila Narahari Sarakar Thakur. He did not describe Sri Nityananda Prabhu's glories as extensively. Fearful that he may have committed an offence by neglecting Sri Nityananda Prabhu, he later wrote a few songs in his praise. These songs are particularly well appreciated by the devotees. This is one of his songs sung by Sri Madhusudan Maharaj. Srila Gurudev’s transcendental voice is also being heard singing this Kirtan.

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      Śrī Jayadeva Gosvāmī

      Jayadeva Gosvāmī found his Rādhā-Mādhava deities in this river’s waters. It is also stated there that he used to rest and worship at the temple of Shiva known as Lord Kuśeśvara, which is also on the banks of the Ajay River. His father was Bhojadeva and mother, Vama Devi.

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      Glories of Sri Jayadev Goswami

      In the initial part of harikatha, Srila Gurudev emphasises on the importance of surrendering and praying for the grace of bonafide preceptorial channel. He then sings the glories of Jayadev Goswami narrating different incidences from his life. He instructs us that even if we get a slightest of Jayadev Goswami's grace then we will get the highest Divine love.

      Upcoming Events

      Sravana Kirtana

      This collection features three articles and three audios of harikathas emphasizing the importance of sravan-kirtan—listening and singing the glories of Supreme Lord and His associates. Vedavyas Muni instructs us through Srimad Bhagavatam that we should never pay negligence towards sravan-kirtan. We should listen to the transcendental topics regularly(nityaṁ) with the utmost faith that by serving Krishna we serve all(śraddhayā).

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        Sravan-kirtan is Our Life

        This harikatha was spoken by Srila Gurudev during Vraja-mandal Parikrama in the month of Kartik. One day, the devotees returned very late from Parikrama and there were only four persons in the sankirtan-hall to listen to the harikatha. Srila Gurudev that time strongly advised on the importance of sravan-kirtan in the life of a devotee. He narrated Sri Vyasdev Muni’s pastime of getting peace only after writing Srimad Bhagavatam. In this regard, he also narrated the instance of Tansen and Akabar witnessing the transcendental feeling of Sri Haridas Gosvami while performing kirtan at Vrindavan, at the appearance place of Sri Bankebihari.

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        Imbibing Higher Thoughts

        Transcendental thoughts of Krishna heard from a śuddha-bhakta will enter into the heart and will remove all the rubbish ideas. If you speak about worldly things, worldly things will enter into your heart. You have to make short, you should not speak unnecessarily, worldly things, 'grāmya-kathā nā śunibe, grāmya-vārtā nā kahibe.' All these rustic words you should avoid.

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        Glories of Supreme Lord to be Heard Regularly with Firm Faith

        Without serving Sri Krishna I cannot serve anybody. I cannot do benefit to anybody. I cannot pay my debts to anybody. To any living being or any demigod. As you pour water to the root of the tree, the whole tree is nourished. You give food in the stomach the whole body is nourished. Like that, if you serve Achyuta, Sri Hari who is all unifying principle, you serve all.

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        You Must Repeat the Same Thing Again and Again

        We are uttering the sixty-four qualities, and we are still experiencing these miseries. This means that these transcendental qualities are not descending into us. We have not touched them, even though we may think that we have.

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        The Words of the Scriptures are the Final Proof

        The Vedic statements are perfect and self-evident. There is no need for interpreting an indirect meaning. The meaning is understood by hearing the words with their direct meaning.

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        How is Hearing or Speaking about Mundane Topics Harmful to one’s Bhakti?

        Hearing worldly mundane talk causes oneself more harm than eating delicious food, and by speaking about mundane topics, one causes more harm to others than by wearing stylish clothes. Ordinary, or mundane, talks are just like a prostitute in that they cause immense obstacles to one’s hari-bhajana by polluting and distracting one’s mind.


        Guru Tattva

        कठोपनिषद [१.३.१४]

        उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य
        वरान निबोधत क्षुरस्य धारा
        निशिता दुरत्ययदुर्गं
        पथस्तत् कवयो वदन्ति।


        uttiṣṭhata jāgrata prāpya
        varān nibodhata kṣurasya dhārā
        niśitā duratyayāddurgaṁ
        pathastat kavayo vadanti

        Veda (Divinity Himself) is giving beneficial instruction to the sādhus—O sādhus! Rise up (withdraw your material senses from the material objects completely,) awake (be reinstated in your own real self,) and sincerely endeavor to know God, praying for the grace of great saints. This world is as sharp as a razor (full of miseries), and as such it is very difficult to get deliverance. It is impossible to cross the ocean of births and deaths without worship of Divinity. The realized saints say that without careful zealous efforts nobody can get God-realization, the panacea of the malady of worldly afflictions, i.e. nobody can cross the ocean of births and deaths without worship of God, taking absolute shelter at the lotus feet of Gurudeva.

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          Out of countless manifestations of the Supreme, the Daśāvatāra occupy a special position, and the glories of Matsya, Kūrma, Varāha, Nṛsiṁha, Vāmana, Paraśurāma, Rāma, Baladeva, Buddha and Kalki are well known. In order to remember the appearance and pastimes of these ten avatāras, a short biography of Them has been given in this book.

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          Srila Gurudev's Kirtan Album

          Kirtans sung by Srila Gurudev on various occasions

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          Bondage and Afflictions

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          His Deep Appreciation for Devotional Service in Any Form It Comes, For Whoever Carries It

          The physical presence (vapu) of such a great soul is to live in this world to spread the Holy Name around, to preserve and to inspire people to follow the teachings of the great Ācāryas in our Paraṃpara. With no ego, the great Vaiṣṇavas are simply carrying this supreme treasure of the teachings, the blessings, and the grace of the Paraṃpara.


          January 25, 2025

          January 02, 2025


          The disappearance of Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu and Srila Jagadish Pandit. Annual festival on the occasion of Sri Jagadish Pandit's Disappearance at his Sripath in Chakdah.

          January 11, 2025


          Trisparsha. Fasting of Jayanti Mahadvadashi. The appearance of Srila Jagadish Pandit. The Disappearance of Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Kumud Santa Goswami Maharaj.

          January 12, 2025


          Paran by 9:59 am.

          January 13, 2025


          Pushyabhishek Yatra of Sri Krishna. The annual festival of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, Kolkata.

          January 16, 2025


          The appearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami. The disappearance of Srila Ramachandra Kaviraj.

          January 20, 2025


          The disappearance of Srila Jayadev Gosvāmī.

          January 21, 2025


          The disappearance of Srila Lochan Das Thakur.

          January 25, 2025


          Fasting for Shattila Ekadashi

          January 26, 2025


          Paran by 10:02 am.

          January 30, 2025


          Disappearance of Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Gaurav Vaikhanas Maharaj.

          January 31, 2025


          Disappearance of Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Sharan Shant Goswami Maharaj.

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          'bbtirtha' is dedicated to preserving and sharing the timeless teachings of Srila Gurudev and Srila Paramgurudev, offering a rich collection of their discourses, letters, articles, and books in diverse languages and formats.

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