100 Years
in Celebration

Birth Centennial Annual of Om Vishnupad 108 Sri Srimad Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj, Acharya of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math (Regd.)

Nobody can resist the Absolute Will of the Supreme Lord. So, it is always wise to submit to the Absolute Will of the Absolute Purna, Who is All Good.

Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

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    Observe Ekadashi-vrata to Please the Supreme Lord Only

    Srila Gurudev narrates the benefits of observing Ekadashi and adds that observing Ekadashi-vrata in Dham or in the association of devotees gives the highest benefit. He reasons that in scriptures materialistic benefits are mentioned for observing Ekadashi-vrata, is only to attract general class of people who are attached to worldly things to somehow or the other observe Ekadashi vrata and attain real eternal benefit which is to get the loving service of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Later, Srila Gurudev sings the Kirtan, ‘atma nivedan tuwa pade kari’, of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur and explains its meaning.

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    On the Disappearance of Srila Bhakti Vikash Hrishikesh Maharaj

    This article is English and Hindi translation of original Bangla text published in Sree Chaitanya Vani in the year 1983.

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    Prepare Yourself for His Advent

    Srila Gurudev emphasizes on removing all the desires from the heart other than Krishna's service. He narrates various topics like, Haridas Thakur’s grace on the infantrymen signifying the strength and power of Vaishnava’s grace, eligibility for staying in Dham and who can have real darshan of Dham, how Krishna’s advent is not like the birth of any ordinary enslaved jiva, the anarthas we have in our heart and how to remove them and the significance of Gundicha-marjan.

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    On Sri Krishna’s Appearance

    In the beginning of this harikatha, Srila Gurudev narrates about sanctifying our hearts for the advent of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. By narrating Srila Prabhupad’s ‘vaishnav ke’ kirtan, he advices us for not getting inclined to nirjan-bhajan and be always in association of the devotees which will rescue us from our spiritual fall down. In the later part, he narrates the advent pastimes of the Supreme Lord Krishna in detail and he concludes by emphasizing on the importance of listening about the Lord’s advent, His name, form, qualities, about His associates and about His other pastimes.

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    Janma Karma Ca Me Divyam...

    Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, “janma karma ca me divyam — My advent and activities are transcendental”. Nobody can understand His advent and His pastimes by his own mental capability. He will descend into our hearts—will be revealed in our hearts—when we actually and sincerely take absolute shelter at His lotus feet. He will reveal Himself to the surrendered soul. We might think that we will get Him by our own capacity, but He is not subservient to us. He is Self-effulgent, Self-luminous like the sun.

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      Prepare Yourself for His Advent

      Srila Gurudev emphasizes on removing all the desires from the heart other than Krishna's service. He narrates various topics like, Haridas Thakur’s grace on the infantrymen signifying the strength and power of Vaishnava’s grace, eligibility for staying in Dham and who can have real darshan of Dham, how Krishna’s advent is not like the birth of any ordinary enslaved jiva, the anarthas we have in our heart and how to remove them and the significance of Gundicha-marjan.

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      On Sri Krishna’s Appearance

      In the beginning of this harikatha, Srila Gurudev narrates about sanctifying our hearts for the advent of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. By narrating Srila Prabhupad’s ‘vaishnav ke’ kirtan, he advices us for not getting inclined to nirjan-bhajan and be always in association of the devotees which will rescue us from our spiritual fall down. In the later part, he narrates the advent pastimes of the Supreme Lord Krishna in detail and he concludes by emphasizing on the importance of listening about the Lord’s advent, His name, form, qualities, about His associates and about His other pastimes.

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      Pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna

      Srila Gurudev narrates different pastimes of Sri Krishna at Gokul Mahavan during the braj-mandal parikrama. He speaks on brahmand-ghat lila, pastimes of killing of Putana, pastimes of stealing butter, Damodar lila and sakat bhanjan lila. He emphasizes on inner significance of these pastimes.

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      We Must Celebrate His Advent

      Srila Paramgurudev said, "It is true there is a scarcity of rice. But, nonetheless, we see that everybody is still carrying on celebrating their own marriage ceremonies, birthday ceremonies and the like. Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is the only Master and Enjoyer of these infinite brahmāṇḍas. Will there be no festival to celebrate His advent? There must be a feast tomorrow!"

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      Sanctifying the Hearts

      ‘Adhivāsa’ means that we have some prior duty to perform before His appearance, so that we will be ready for Him. We have to sanctify our hearts so that Krishna can appear there. Krishna is already there, but we are not aware of His presence.

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      The Serpent Kaliya

      The banishment of Kaliya from the lake of the Yamuna has a most important spiritual significance. Those who have a purpose to create trouble among the pure devotees of Krishna by infecting their nature with their own malicious disposition meet with a certain degree of initial success in their nefarious undertaking. This emboldens them to make a direct attack on Krishna Himself when He appears on the scene of their depraved activities in order to restore the living faith of His Own bonafide associates.

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      Srila Param Gurudev on Sri Krishna Janmastami

      The following are excerpts from the speeches of Srila Gurudeva during Sri Krishna Janmaṣṭami at the Kolkata Maṭh between 1968 to 1974 noted and translated by Srila Gurudev. He spoke on different topics like, ‘The significance of the worship of Sri Krishna’, ‘The devotee and Bhagavan’ and ‘Getting the grace of Sri Bhagavan’.

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      Jay Dau Jay Dau

      In one harikatha on the advent of Lord Baladeva, Srila Gurudev emphasized the importance of performing the ‘Jaya Dau Jaya Dau’ kirtan. He instructed that his Gurudev, HDG Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhav Goswami Maharaja used to pray for the grace of Guru, Vaiṣṇavas, and Bhagavan through this kirtan, and that we should do it without fail on every special tithi. By doing so, Guru, Vaiṣṇavas, and Bhagvan will be pleased.

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      Jay Govinda Jay Gopal..

      Srila Gurudev has always emphasized on performing all the devotional practices with the sole purpose of satisfying the object of our worship Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. “Example is better than precept”, is his way of teaching. He showed the pastimes of utmost absorption in each and every devotional forms he enacted to practice. So does His pastime of performing Kirtans. Srila Bhakti Pramod Puri Goswami Maharaj, one prominent disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhant Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad, used to say that Nityanand Prabhu and Gauranga Mahaprabhu Himself get manifest and dance in Srila Gurudev’s Kirtan.


      Guru Tattva

      कठोपनिषद [१.३.१४]

      उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य
      वरान निबोधत क्षुरस्य धारा
      निशिता दुरत्ययदुर्गं
      पथस्तत् कवयो वदन्ति।


      uttiṣṭhata jāgrata prāpya
      varān nibodhata kṣurasya dhārā
      niśitā duratyayāddurgaṁ
      pathastat kavayo vadanti

      Veda (Divinity Himself) is giving beneficial instruction to the sādhus—O sādhus! Rise up (withdraw your material senses from the material objects completely,) awake (be reinstated in your own real self,) and sincerely endeavor to know God, praying for the grace of great saints. This world is as sharp as a razor (full of miseries), and as such it is very difficult to get deliverance. It is impossible to cross the ocean of births and deaths without worship of Divinity. The realized saints say that without careful zealous efforts nobody can get God-realization, the panacea of the malady of worldly afflictions, i.e. nobody can cross the ocean of births and deaths without worship of God, taking absolute shelter at the lotus feet of Gurudeva.

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        Have I Made a Mistake?

        Nityalila-pravista Sri Srimad Bhaktidayita Madhav Goswami Maharaj, the founder president of Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, for the ultimate welfare of sincere devotees, in 1966, wrote these article which was published in Sree Chaitanya Vani monthly magazine. It thoroughly gives clear understanding about the actual teachings of the Gaudiya school of thoughts. These are a must-read articles for sincere votaries who want to understand the real benefaction of Gaudiya Math establishment to his own life.

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        Srila Gurudev's Kirtan Album

        Kirtans sung by Srila Gurudev on various occasions

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        Human Birth is Rare

        Human birth is very rare. Although it is impermanent, it bestows the highest benefit of serving Supreme Lord and to get the highest object permanently. It is the actual duty of all human beings to try utmost to achieve the highest welfare.

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        He Dared Not Walk Ahead of Guru-varga

        There is one līlā that inspired me very much and inspires the devotees to whom I shared this. They asked me to tell them about this.


        September 07, 2024

        September 08, 2024


        The appearance of Sri Sita Devi, the consort of Sri Advaita Prabhu.

        September 10, 2024


        Sri Lalita-Saptami.

        September 11, 2024


        Sri Radhashtami. Srimati Radharani's appearance at noon. Fasting till noon.

        September 15, 2024


        Fasting for Vijaya Mahadwadashi. Sri Hari Parshwa-parivartan. Sri Vaman Dwadashi. The appearance of Lord Vamandev. The appearance of Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu.

        September 16, 2024


        Paran by 9:30 am. The appearance of Srila Sacchidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakur.

        September 17, 2024


        Sri Ananta Chaturdashi. The disappearance of Srila Haridas Thakur.

        September 18, 2024


        Sri Vishwarup Mahotsav.

        September 23, 2024


        The disappearance of Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Srirup Siddhanti Goswami Maharaj.

        September 28, 2024


        Fasting for Indira Ekadashi.

        September 29, 2024


        Paran by 9:29 am.

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