Paran by 10:01 am. Sri Varaha Dwadashi. The appearance of Lord Varaha.
Śrī Varāha-avatāra
The unlimitedly powerful Lord assumed the form of a boar for the rescue of the earth and pierced the first demon, Hiraṇyākṣa, with His tusk.
Śrī Varāha-avatāra
Lord Varāha appears twice in one day of Lord Brahmā. During the Svāyambhuva-manvantara, He appeared from Brahmā’s nostril and rescued the earth, and during the sixth manvantara (Cākṣuṣa-manvantara). He appeared to rescue the earth and kill Hiraṇyākṣa. This is a wonderful narration of Lord's beautiful form and His transcendental pastime which enchants Brahma and all the sages.
On The Appearance Day Of Sri Varaha Deva
Lord's appearance is eternal and He also appears, revealing Himself in the sanctified heart of a Suddha bhakta. So, Srila Gurudev says we have to sanctify our hearts first so that the Lord can appear there. He then sings the glories of Lord Varaha Deva and mentions how Lord Varaha Deva appears twice in a day of Brahma. He joyfully narrates the pastime of the Lord's fight with Hiranyaksha who awards him the great fortune of getting killed by Him. In the concluding part, Srila Gurudev makes a very important point that if we get even the slightest of realization of any of the forms of the Supreme Lord, we will get completely attached to that form and will not be able to leave that taste at any cost.
Śrī Daśāvatāra-stotram
The Daśāvatāra-stotra and Gīta-govinda, both written by Śrī Jayadeva Gosvāmī, are still sung daily before Lord Jagannātha Deva for His pleasure. The Daśāvatāra deities are worshipped daily in the Jagannātha Temple at Śrī Puruṣottama-dhāma and in many other temples across India. In the Vaiṣṇava lineages of Assam, harināma-saṅkīrtana is performed by singing about the appearance and pastimes of the ten avatāras. Out of the countless manifestations of the Supreme Lord, the Daśāvatāra occupy a special position.
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya
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