We Must Celebrate His Advent
Article, Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Srila Paramgurudev said, "It is true there is a scarcity of rice. But, nonetheless, we see that everybody is still carrying on celebrating their own marriage ceremonies, birthday ceremonies and the like. Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is the only Master and Enjoyer of these infinite brahmāṇḍas. Will there be no festival to celebrate His advent? There must be a feast tomorrow!"
Bhakti is very difficult for those who have no submissive tendency. They cannot perform bhakti. It is easiest for those who have the aptitude for taking shelter of the Supreme Lord and His absolute counterpart, the śuddha bhakta. The practice of bhakti is simultaneously the easiest and the most difficult process. If there should be the presence of material ego, it will render the performance of bhakti impossible. People such as Hiraṇyakaśipu and others could perform immense penances, but they could not perform bhakti. They did not want to give up their ego, their vanity. We are a part of the potency of the Supreme Lord, but we are not the Supreme Lord. Why is it that we have become jīvās and received this conditioned state, encountering all kinds of difficulties as we pass through countless births and deaths? Would God pass through births and deaths? Obviously, we are not God, the Supreme Lord. We are a part of His potency. We have committed an offense and forgotten our real position. For this reason, the illusory energy has enveloped us and we have assumed these false egos. If we wish to perform pure devotion, then we have to give up these false egos.
During the time of our Guru Mahārāja (Śrīla Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāja), a Janmāṣṭamī celebration occurred when there was a scarcity of rice. Even householders could not donate rice to the Maṭh. So, we could take rice at only one meal a day. At the other meals we would take wheat and pound it together with mung dal into a mixture to make a khichadi—a hodgepodge. Ordinarily, khichadi is made with rice and dal, not wheat. Those were difficult times. But then, every institution declared that they would not be distributing khichadi during Janmāṣṭamī, as there was no rice. Generally, we would make a large amount of khichadi—it is very easy to prepare—and distribute it to thousands of people. But at that time, there was no rice. We appealed to Guru Mahārāja, “Please announce at tonight’s Janmāṣṭamī celebration that we will not be celebrating the usual festival with distribution of khichadi to all tomorrow. Instead, every institution will give sweets instead of khichadi.” Guru Mahārāja said, “Alright, alright.”
That evening, at the Janmāṣṭamī function, many distinguished Vaiṣṇavas spoke till about 10:30 PM. At around 11 PM, Guru Mahārāja began his discourse on the chapter of the advent of Śrī Kṛṣṇa from Śrīmad Bhāgavatam. After he completed his lecture, he announced, “There will now be abhiṣeka for Kṛṣṇa’s advent time at midnight. After that, there will be pūjā, followed by bhoga-rāga. Today, we are observing a fast and may only take some fruits. Tomorrow, Nanda Mahārāja will come to know that he has a Son! So, he will be very glad, and will distribute prasādam. So, I invite all of you to come again tomorrow and we shall feed you.”
The devotees were astounded. “How can this be? We have no rice!” They knew very well that, in Bengal, if one person were invited, he would bring ten others. So, one thousand invitees instantly become ten thousand. They were quite perturbed.
Guru Mahārāja went to his room and many of us followed. We asked him, “How can we feed all these people tomorrow? We have no rice.”
Then Guru Mahārāja declared, “It is true there is a scarcity of rice. But, nonetheless, we see that everybody is still carrying on celebrating their own marriage ceremonies, birthday ceremonies and the like. Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa is the only Master and Enjoyer of these infinite brahmāṇḍas. Will there be no festival to celebrate His advent? There must be a feast tomorrow!”
I do not know who sent rice, but the next day there was a huge function and all were fed with khichadi. From where had it come? Who had sent it? We do not have this sort of faith.
Expert from the book on Srila Gurudev’s lectures titled 'Taste of Transcendence'
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya
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