Pranam Mantra
About, Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math
Remembrance of Guru-Vaishnava-Bhagavan will remove all obstacles of bhajan and can bestow the desired devotional objective. They are beyond the comprehension of material mind and intellect, harir hi nirguṇaḥ sākṣāt puruṣaḥ prakṛteḥ paraḥ— Supreme Lord Sri Hari is transcendental and as such, beyond material comprehension. Through reciting 'Pranam Mantra', we pray for the causeless mercy of Srila Gurudev so that he can remember him, Vaishnava and Bhagavan and sing Their glories.
Praṇām-mantra to Śrīla Param Gurudevnama om viṣṇupādāya rupānuga priyāya ca
śrīmate bhakti dayita mādhava svāmīn nāmine
kṛṣṇābhinna prakāśa śrī mūrtaye dīnatāriṇe
kṣamāguṇā avatārāya gurave prabhave namaḥ
satīrtha-prīti-sad-dharma guru-prīti pradarśine
iśodyāna prabhāvasya prakāśakāya te namaḥ
śrī kṣetre prabhupādasya sthānoddhāra sukīrtaye
sārasvata gaṇānanda samvardhanāya te namaḥI offer prostrated obeisances to Śrīla Bhakti Dayita Mādhava Gosvāmī Mahārāj, the representative of Lord Viṣṇu, dear to the followers of Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī. Obeisances to you, O spiritual guide, non-different manifestation of the Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, redeemer of the fallen souls, and personification of the quality of forgiveness. Obeisances to you, who by rendering affectionate service to god-brothers exemplified your loving attachment to Guru, and who manifested the glory of Iśodyān at Śrī Māyāpur. I offer obeisances to you, who brought immense joy to those devoted to Śrila Bhaktisiddhānta Sarasvatī Prabhupāda by recovering his birthplace in Purī, for which you are justly renowned.
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya
Math © 2025