Questions and Answers
No conditioned souls of this world could definitely say that they are completely detached from worldly desires. They should sincerely submit to the Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna, Who can rescue them from the clutches of Māyā
Bondage and Afflictions
Causeless Exclusive Devotion to Sri Krishna
A śuddha bhakta has got love for Krishna and love for all living beings in this world. He always sees Krishna and all living beings related to Krishna.
Conditioned Souls
Conditioned souls have got numerous desires and when their desires are not fulfilled, they become unbalanced. Submission to the will of the Lord is the only way of getting bliss.
Conditioned souls
Conditioned souls of this world are passing through numerous births and deaths being enveloped by the illusory energy of the Supreme Lord. The fruits of the actions of conditioned souls, which have started, will have their end.
Eternal Real Relationships
Eternal Welfare
By bhajan and doing harinām, all obstacles can be removed and all good fruits can be achieved. Performance of śuddha-bhakti will bestow upon the performer eternal welfare.
Everything is Good if the Target is Good
Sanmodan means pleasing to the sādhus (śuddha bhaktas). It is very necessary for enhancement in devotion, for the aspirants who have taken Krishna mantra, to regularly hear and speak about the glories of the Name, Form, Attributes and Pastimes of Śrī Rādhā-Krishna.
Financial Difficulty
We are to accept that which is congenial and give up that which is not congenial for worship of Krishna; we should have firm faith that He is the only sustainer and protector; we are to dedicate ourself totally to the Lotus Feet of Krishna; and be humble by giving up all false material egos.
Firm Faith
We belong to Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu's school of thought, which practices and preaches pure devotion, one pointed devotion to the Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna, by serving Whom we serve all.
Highest Munificent Form of Godhead
A votary, to satisfy Chaitanya Mahāprabhu and the Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna, should at least practice the first and third verses of Śikṣāṣṭaka sincerely from the core of the heart. Chaitanya Mahāprabhu has taught in the first verse, mainly seven principal attainments or more correctly all attainments while doing Śrī Rādhā-Krishna sankīrtan.
How to face difficult situations?
In this reply letter, while empathizing with the devotee, Gurudev is persuading him to focus on the positive practice of chanting the Holy Name with tolerance, patience and love to achieve the highest goal of human life as taught by Mahaprabhu. Also, he is teaching us to remember Mahaprabhu and our Guruvarga's advice to draw inspiration and strength from the holy biographies of Prahlad Maharaj and Ambarish Maharaj while facing difficult situations in this temporary material life and to keep a calm and serene mind for sādhan-bhajan. He concludes the letter with a positive note, hoping to hear that it was just a temporary setback and that the clouds have cleared.
Human Birth is Rare
Human birth is very rare. Although it is impermanent, it bestows the highest benefit of serving Supreme Lord and to get the highest object permanently. It is the actual duty of all human beings to try utmost to achieve the highest welfare.
Inherent Nature
A household devotee has got his duty towards parents as well as to his wife. He is not a mendicant, he cannot beg. He is to earn money to meet the expenses of the house.
Krishna Bhajan
This precious human birth is meant only for Krishna bhajan; not for eating, sleeping, defending and mating like beasts and birds. One who understands this engages his whole energy for the service of Śrī Krishna.
Letter To A Household Devotee
In this letter, Srila Gurudev is instructing a household devotee who is being forced by his family members who are not in the devotional path to worship kuladevi (family deity). Gurudev is instructing him to be firm in one-pointed exclusive devotion while not disturbing his family members.
The Supreme Lord is the Supreme Person, Lord of all Lords. He is the Transcendental Spiritual Supreme Person. Personality is attributed to the conscious principle and not to unconscious matter.
Path of Renunciation.
To attain actual knowledge, one should study the conversation between Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu and Śrī Rāya Rāmānanda
Prachār for Prachār's Sake.
All forms of bhajan including kīrtan should be performed for the propitiation of Śrī Krishna and His devotees. The greatest hurdle of Krishna bhakti is committal of offence at the Lotus Feet of vaiṣṇavas.
Pravṛtti mārg
This human birth is congenial for the worship of the Supreme Lord because of the discriminating power given by the Lord to human beings. A human being has the power of discrimination between good and bad, eternal and non-eternal etc.
Precious Human Birth
we have received this precious human birth. This birth is very rare. After passing through immense sufferings due to numerous births, we have this human birth and God has given human beings the discriminating power between eternal and non- eternal, so they can worship the Supreme Lord Rādhā-Krishna.
Relative Independence
Supreme Lord resides in the heart of the conditioned soul as the indwelling monitor, Paramātmā, also appearing in this world in different Transcendental Divine Forms and sending His own personal associates in this world to persuade the conditioned souls so that they can willingly submit to Him.
Relative Independence of the Conditioned Souls
Sādhus are compassionate to the conditioned souls. Sādhus try to remove the root cause of the miseries of conditioned souls, aversion to Śrī Krishna, by persuading them to worship the Supreme Lord and practicing that in their lives.
Highest bhakti is sankīrtan, i.e., to speak about the glories of the Name, Form, Attributes and Pastimes of Sri Krishna and His personal associates. Wherever we stay, we are to regularly perform śravan-kīrtan (hearing and speaking), if we seriously want progress in bhakti.
Sannyās Āśram
Spiritual Eternal Welfare
By creating human beings, the Supreme Lord is satisfied because human beings have the discriminating power between good and bad, eternal and non-eternal. Other creatures have got no such conscience or discriminating power.
Spiritual Interests
Prahlad Maharaj could stay in the most hostile atmosphere with a calm and serene mentality. He never became unbalanced and lost his calmness of mind. We should try to adjust ourselves with the environment; we cannot make the environment adjusted to us.
Start Bhajan Immediately
Every jīva reaps the fruits of their own actions. We get births, circumstances, environment and paraphernalia as per our own karma. Nobody is responsible for this.
Supreme Lord is All-Bliss
Even a glow of the Holy Name of Śrī Krishna can destroy the sins of millions of births and even beyond that, can bestow emancipation. The sayings of the scriptures are not untrue.
Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna is the only Enjoyer
A śuddha bhakta, pure devotee, can never have the aptitude to enjoy or renounce. The Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna is the only Enjoyer and Master of all sacrifices. He is the only Puruṣa - Supreme Person. As we are not masters and enjoyers, we cannot enjoy or renounce. We are the parts of the potency of Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna, so naturally we are to be dominated by Supreme Lord Śrī Krishna.
Surrender to a Pure Devotee
You should not have any kind of hostile mentality to anybody in this world. If you have such hostile mentality, you will not get Supreme Lord.
Unholy Vision is Condemnable
A bona fide sannyāsī, who has taken up the vow to cross over the ocean of birth and death and the miseries of this world by fully dedicating himself to the service of the Lord, should avoid the vision of a person with mundane interest and enjoying spirit attached to riches and women.
Varṇāśrama Dharma
A fortunate person will approach a spiritual doctor - a bona fide guru - for the amelioration of the tremendous suffering of the disease of repeated births and deaths.
We are enslaved jīvas. We already have an innate propensity of taking animal products. Therefore any further contact with it will be derogatory to spiritual upliftment.
Śravan and Kīrtan
Śravan and kīrtan, are essential for getting enhancement in bhakti. Śravan-kīrtan has been compared with water. As a living seed requires water for its growth, the potential real seed of bhakti, received from a bona fide guru, can have enhancement after practicing śravan-bhakti
Śuddha Bhakti
Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu is the self-evident, complete and original Supreme Lord, the Possessor of six-fold opulences. No other entity is superior to Him.
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya
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