
The disappearance of Srila Jayadev Gosvāmī.

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    Śrī Jayadeva Gosvāmī

    Jayadeva Gosvāmī found his Rādhā-Mādhava deities in this river’s waters. It is also stated there that he used to rest and worship at the temple of Shiva known as Lord Kuśeśvara, which is also on the banks of the Ajay River. His father was Bhojadeva and mother, Vama Devi.

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    Glories of Sri Jayadev Goswami

    In the initial part of harikatha, Srila Gurudev emphasises on the importance of surrendering and praying for the grace of bonafide preceptorial channel. He then sings the glories of Jayadev Goswami narrating different incidences from his life. He instructs us that even if we get a slightest of Jayadev Goswami's grace then we will get the highest Divine love.

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    Śrī Daśāvatāra-stotram

    The Daśāvatāra-stotra and Gīta-govinda, both written by Śrī Jayadeva Gosvāmī, are still sung daily before Lord Jagannātha Deva for His pleasure. The Daśāvatāra deities are worshipped daily in the Jagannātha Temple at Śrī Puruṣottama-dhāma and in many other temples across India. In the Vaiṣṇava lineages of Assam, harināma-saṅkīrtana is performed by singing about the appearance and pastimes of the ten avatāras. Out of the countless manifestations of the Supreme Lord, the Daśāvatāra occupy a special position.

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