
Trisparsha. Fasting of Jayanti Mahadvadashi. The appearance of Srila Jagadish Pandit. The Disappearance of Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Kumud Santa Goswami Maharaj.

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    Śrīla Jagadīśa Paṇḍita

    Being attracted by Jagadīśa Paṇḍita and his wife’s parental devotion, Nityānanda Prabhu and Caitanya Mahāprabhu visited the Jagannātha temple in Jashora on two different occasions. The two Prabhus held saṅkīrtana and a feast both times. As the Lord was about to leave Jashora to go to Purī, Duḥkhinī began to cry from the imminent separation so intensely that the Lord agreed to remain behind in the form of Śrī Gaura-Gopāla deity.

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    Curing the Fever of Material Existence

    Here, with different evidences from scriptures Srila Sant Maharaj explains that only by surrendering unto the Supreme Lord one can remain aloof from maya. The living entity becomes so influenced by the modes of material nature that he considers sense gratification to be the most desirable goal, even though it brings him only distress. Our state of bondage has existed since time without beginning, and is quite impossible for human intelligence to undo. It can be unraveled only by associating with sadhus, realized souls. Even a moment’s association with a sadhu can award all perfection.

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    Observe Ekadashi-vrata to Please the Supreme Lord Only

    Srila Gurudev narrates the benefits of observing Ekadashi and adds that observing Ekadashi-vrata in Dham or in the association of devotees gives the highest benefit. He reasons that in scriptures materialistic benefits are mentioned for observing Ekadashi-vrata, is only to attract general class of people who are attached to worldly things to somehow or the other observe Ekadashi vrata and attain real eternal benefit which is to get the loving service of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Later, Srila Gurudev sings the Kirtan, ‘atma nivedan tuwa pade kari’, of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur and explains its meaning.

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    Glories of Sri Jagadish Pandit

    Jagadish Pandit and his wife Dukhini had the same kind of parental affection for the little Nimai as Jagannath Mishra and Sachi Devi themselves. Dukhini was like a mother to Him and even sometimes acted as His wet-nurse. Nimai, the son of Sachi, is none other than the son of Yashoda, the Supreme Lord Krishna. It is not possible for anyone but an eternal associate of the Lord to have the good fortune to treat Him like a son in this way.

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    Remembering Srila Bhakti Kumuda Santa Gosvami Maharaj

    I got the opportunity to listen to his kirtans at Sree Gauranga Math, Kesiadi. He sang the kirtan 'Gopīnāth, mama nivedana śuno'. He knew all the kirtans by heart and his performance of nritya(dance)-kirtan would leave the audience spellbound. I have not seen anybody perform kirtan like him ever, for hours together. His voice was mesmerizing. Also, he was a very powerful speaker.

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