
The disappearance of Srila Jiva Goswami Prabhu and Srila Jagadish Pandit. Annual festival on the occasion of Sri Jagadish Pandit's Disappearance at his Sripath in Chakdah.

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    Śrīla Jiva Gosvāmī

    Srila Jiva Gosvāmī made his appearance in 1455, Sakabdha (1533 A.D.), on the 12th day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadra. He disappeared from view at the age of 85 in 1540 A.D., (Sakabdha, 3rd day of bright fortnight, Pausa). As a child, Sri Jiva took up the worship of Sri-Sri Rama-Krsna Deities. Carefully decorating Them, and offering bhoga and arati, he served Them attentively. Even when playing, Jivas games were often connected with Lord Krsna's pastimes.

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    Śrīla Jagadīśa Paṇḍita

    Being attracted by Jagadīśa Paṇḍita and his wife’s parental devotion, Nityānanda Prabhu and Caitanya Mahāprabhu visited the Jagannātha temple in Jashora on two different occasions. The two Prabhus held saṅkīrtana and a feast both times. As the Lord was about to leave Jashora to go to Purī, Duḥkhinī began to cry from the imminent separation so intensely that the Lord agreed to remain behind in the form of Śrī Gaura-Gopāla deity.

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    Glories of Srila Jiva Gosvami

    Srila Gurudev narrates how Srila Jiva Gosvāmī defeated the dig-vijayi scholar, eager to amass mundane prestige, who came to Rupa Gosvāmī and Sanatan Gosvāmī to get their signature as an admission of defeat in debate. He also explains in detail why some of Jiva Goswami’s followers demonstrated a preference for the svakīyā-vāda. Jiva Goswami recognizing their limitations to comprehend the transcendental nature of the pārakīyā-rasa, gave credence to the svakīyā doctrine. At the end Srila Gurudev narrates a person’s life who earlier did not have any faith on Mahaprabhu but after having read Srila Jiva Goswami’s ‘Priti-sandarbh’ got deeply attached to Mahaprabhu; he then also established a temple of Him in Bolpur, Shantiniketan in West Bengal.

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    Glories of Sri Jagadish Pandit

    Jagadish Pandit and his wife Dukhini had the same kind of parental affection for the little Nimai as Jagannath Mishra and Sachi Devi themselves. Dukhini was like a mother to Him and even sometimes acted as His wet-nurse. Nimai, the son of Sachi, is none other than the son of Yashoda, the Supreme Lord Krishna. It is not possible for anyone but an eternal associate of the Lord to have the good fortune to treat Him like a son in this way.

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