Glories of Supreme Lord to be Heard Regularly with Firm Faith
Harikatha, Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Without serving Sri Krishna I cannot serve anybody. I cannot do benefit to anybody. I cannot pay my debts to anybody. To any living being or any demigod. As you pour water to the root of the tree, the whole tree is nourished. You give food in the stomach the whole body is nourished. Like that, if you serve Achyuta, Sri Hari who is all unifying principle, you serve all.
Gurudev used to advise us how we can get Sri Krishna. Sri Vedavyas Muni has said -
śṛṇvataḥ śraddhayā nityaṁ
gṛṇataś ca sva-ceṣṭitam
kālena nātidīrgheṇa
bhagavān viśate hṛdi
(Srimad Bhagavatam 2.8.4)[Persons who hear Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam regularly and are always taking the matter very seriously will have the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna manifested in their hearts within a short time.]
Our original Guru Vedavyas Muni has advised in Srimad Bhagavatam, we have to hear daily about the glories of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, His transcendental Name, Form, Attributes, Personal Associates and Pastimes. When we get association of sadhus, we should perform Hari-bhajan and after that we shall take leave of absence from doing Hari-bhajan. No, it should not be like that. In office sometimes, they take leave of absence. Here it is not allowed. Vedavyas Muni writes in Srimad Bhagavatam, śṛṇvataḥ śraddhayā nityaṁ. Two conditions have to be fulfilled. There should be ‘sraddha’ — firm faith. There should not be any doubt in the faith that by serving Supreme Lord Sri Krishna I serve all. I am doing eternal benefit to me and doing eternal benefit to all others—bodily relations, to human beings, to other living beings, and demigods, whatever it may be. Actually, I am serving them. That firm belief should be there. That is the life of bhajan. Without serving Sri Krishna I cannot serve anybody. I cannot do benefit to anybody. I cannot pay my debts to anybody. To any living being or any demigod. As you pour water to the root of the tree, the whole tree is nourished. You give food in the stomach the whole body is nourished. Like that, if you serve Achyuta, Sri Hari, who is all unifying principle, you serve all. That sort of firm faith should exist in me. That is the first condition. What is the second condition? We should hear with firm faith and always, everyday, continuously, eternally. At Least every day always. Then I can catch hold of Hari in my heart. Verbatim meaning is this. You can catch hold of Krishna in your heart very soon. Wherever you maybe you should do this.
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya
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