Day 19 : Fifth Yaam
Harikatha, Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
3:22pm to 5:46pm. O Nandanandan, in spite of my being your eternal servant, due to predicament of my own deeds, I am drowned in the terrible ocean of births and deaths. Out of compassion kindly think me as dust particle of your Lotus Feet.
Afternoon Worship - Attachment to KrsnaNow we have come upto attachment (asakti) – attainment of the constitutional nature of the nama-sadhaka and his prayer for the eternal servitor-ship of Sri Krsna. Until relationship is established till such time attachment will not come and that relationship Krsna Himself will bestow, so we are asked here to pray to Krsna. Krsna is very compassionate (dayalu).
bhakta-vatsala, kṛtajña, samartha, vadānya
hena kṛṣṇa chāḍi’ paṇḍita nāhi bhaje anya
(CC Madhya 22.95)"Lord Krsna is very kind to His devotees. He is always very grateful and magnanimous, and He possesses all abilities. A learned man does not give up Krsna to worship anyone else."
ayi nanda-tanuja kiṅkaraṁ
patitaṁ māṁ viṣame bhavāmbudhau
kṛpayā tava pāda-paṅkaja-
sthita-dhūlī-sadṛśaṁ vicintayaMahaprabhu says submit your prayers to Nandanandana Krsna and He will fulfill your prayers. This Mahaprabhu Himself is speaking. 'I am Your eternal servant. Forgetting You and deprived of Your service I have fallen into this terrible ocean of births and deaths and wandering in 84 lakh species and suffering immensely. Kindly accept me again as Your eternal servant.'
Lord does not have anger, wrath. ************* (Here one sentence could not catch.. (something like....Lord is not dispassionate, devoid of emotions, He is full of transcendental emotions, He will not think let him die, let him suffer.)He will surely grace you and bestow eternal welfare, so you have to pray from the heart in a surrendered mood, Mahaprabhu said this.
Not like a parrot repeats what is taught, like if taught Hare Krsna, will say Hare Krsna, and Radhe Govinda, will repeat Radhe Govinda and if a cat catches it what will it do? In London where I was staying there is a Mynah bird (a small starling bird) in that friend's house would respond with a loud 'shut up' every time any visitor would speak little. One day a friend came to meet me and in between our conversation this bird will respond with a loud ‘Shut up’. You speak one line and it will say ‘Shut up’. We saw it is only a bird but has been trained that way. Like wise we remember words and speak and when maya (Lord's illusory energy) catches hold of us we will forget everything. So, not like this, pray to Lord from the heart. We are so fortunate that we have association of sadhus by Krsna's grace. Sadhus from India and abroad have assembled here. They are Mahaprabhu’s ‘sadhu-sangastra’ i.e. sadhus are His weapons. Without sadhu-sanga we cannot benefit, so we have to avail the facility. We have to pray to the Lord. Krsna is graciously seated here, Mahaprabhu is graciously seated here. We have to pray to Him that You kindly accept me as a servant of Yours, consider me a particle of dust of Your Lotus Feet.
tomāra nitya-dāsa mui, tomā pāsariyā
paḍiyāchoṅ bhavārṇave māyā-baddha haṣā
kṛpā kari’ kara more pada-dhūli-sama
tomāra sevaka karoṅ tomāra sevanaIndication of eternal afternoon pastimes of Sri Radha-Krsna:
A glimpse of idea has been given here:
śrī rādhām prāpta-gehāṁ nija-ramaṇa-kṛte klṛpta nānopahārām
susnātāṁ ramya-veśāṁ priya-mukha-kamalāloka-pūrṇa-pramodām
śrī kṛṣṇaṁ caivāparāhṇe vrajam anucalitaṁ dhenu-vṛindair vayasyai
śrī rādhāloka-tṛptaṁ pitṛ-mukha-militaṁ mātṛ-mṛṣṭaṁ smarāmiRadharani returns from Radha-kunda to Javat in the afternoon and engages in preparing various good dishes of different names like Amrtkeli, Karpurkeli, etc for beloved Sri Krsna. She also takes bath nicely. In the pastimes of Radharani we have teachings to learn. We say the following kirtan (of Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur)
rādha-bhajane jadi mati nāhi bhelā
kṛṣṇa-bhajana tava akāraṇa gelā
ātapa-rohita sūraya nāhi jāni
rādhā-virahita mādhava nāhi māni
kevala mādhava pūjaye so ajñānī
rādhā anādara koro-i abhimānī
kabańhi nāhi korobi tāńkor sańga
citte icchasi jadi braja-rasa-rańga
rādhikā-dāsī jadi hoy abhimān
śīghra-i mila-i taba gokula-kānJust as we cannot see the Sun ignoring the light of the Sun or the rays of the Sun, so also we cannot have the conception of Sri Krishna without Radha and Her expansions who have manifested in this material world in person in the form of our Gurudeva, Param Gurudeva. The ideal that Radharani taught our Gurudeva also has exhibited in the service of the Lord without caring for his bodily comforts at all. We have seen that he would immediately get ready to serve Krsna and Krsna devotees whenever the need arose. We are not able to see Radharani, so who will take us to Her? He never left the service of his Gurudeva, Guru-parampara. Leaving Gurudeva, Param Gurudeva, the guru-parampara, Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur who are the mercy-incarnations of the Lord we cannot get direct service of the Lord. We have to always remain surrendered to Gurudeva which in itself is seva and pray to Gurudeva and then he will recommend our names and lead us further for more mercy from above.
When Krsna returns from the pastures with calves, Radharani eagerly waits for Him on the path and feels extremely delighted on seeing the lotus face of Krsna. I remember such Radhika.
And Krsna gave pleasure to cows and cowherd boys by His association, and on return from pastures He gave pleasure to all other servants (sevak, sevikas). On the way He sees Radharani and is pleased. Giving His darshan He pleases Radharani too. As much one has devotion for Krsna, Krsna attracts that heart towards Him. Nanda Maharaj, Yashoda Mayya, and other fatherly and motherly gopas gopis, all vrajavasi are all dear to Krsna. Yashoda Mayya cleanses Krsna by giving Him a thorough nice bath. I remember such Krsna.
Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya
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