Day 19 : Fourth Yam

Harikatha, Sreela Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

10:34am to 3:22pm. O Supreme Lord! I have got no desire for wealth, manpower or erudition (desire for deceitful Trivarga— worldly piety, money and lust or even to merge myself with the Impersonal Formless Brahma, i.e. ‘Mukti’— salvation, which is more deceitful). My only prayer is to get causeless one-pointed devotion to You.

  • Madhyahna kalia bhajan - Mid-day worship – Worship with taste (Ruchi Bhajan)

    If we enjoy everything will be ‘vishay’, objects of enjoyment. When you see it in relation to Krsna and that Krsna is the Enjoyer and all are enjoyed, then everything will become pure and spiritual, i.e. the transcendental realm. In that realm all serving Krsna and see everything in relation to Krsna. Ambarish Maharaj though was surrounded by ‘vishay’ they were external and he was not attached to them. ‘Krsnera samsara kara chadi anachar jive daya krsna nama sarva dharma sara’. So, leaving out Krsna, when we see things of the world as our objects of sense enjoyment then they become ‘vishay’.

    ei saba pāibāra āśā nāhi kari
    śuddha-bhakti deha more kṛṣṇa kṛpā kari
    premera svabhāva yāṅhā premera sambandha
    sei māne kṛṣṇe mora nāhi bhakti-gandha

    Indication of Midday Pastimes of Radha-Krsna

    A hint has been given here about the mid-day worship and mid-day pastimes of Radha Krsna at Radha-kunda.

    madhyāhne ‘nyonya saṁgodita vividha-vikārādi-bhūṣāpramugdhau
    vāmyotkaṇṭhātilolau smaramakha lalitā dyāli-narmāptaśātau
    rādhā-kṛṣṇau satṛṣṇau parijana-ghaṭayā sevyamānau smarāmi
    (Sri Govinda-lilamrta)

    Dearest amongst all devotees is Radharani. Gopis endeavor how to make union of Krsna and Radha, by that they are benefited, not by direct contact because all kinds of ecstatic feelings can be manifested in Radha-Krsna as they have got meeting and have contact. For that reason their efforts are how to make the union of Radha Krsna. We cannot imagine what sort of ananad is there. You see the difference, Caturshan - Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara were engrossed in brahmananda, transcendental bliss. Jnanis by performing immense penance for thousands of years cannot get brahmananda. They are engrossed in brahmananda. What happened? Directly they did not come in contact with Narayana, they got the scent of the flowers and the tulasi, basil leaves offered to the Lotus Feet of Narayana, they got the transcendental scent, and so much attraction was there, they gave up brahmananda and started worshiping Narayana. Narayana is beautiful and there are waves of transcendental happiness, transcendenal bliss, and that Narayana is attracted by the transcendental beauty of Krsna. Even Krsna is attracted by Gaura Hari, He has got Vrndavana Dhama. As per Scriptural prescript, this world is a place of tremendous suffering, waves of suffering. This place is nescience and waves of suffering. And beyond that Viraja where there is no action of rajo-guna, no creation, no variegated-ness, that is also a place of nescience, but it is better than this world. There is no happiness, no bliss is there, that is also a place of suffering, but not waves of suffering. This world has got waves of suffering. In Viraja only suffering is there, but not so much tremendous as there is no creation. Beyond that there is Brahman, brahmananda. Brahmananda is actual ananda, bliss. Actual jnanis they can get that brahmananda. But in brahmananda there are no waves of happiness, waves of bliss, only one kind of ananda. In Vaikunta you will get waves of happiness, waves of bliss. So when got attracted by Narayana, Caturshan who were in brahmananda, brahmananda is like an illustration has been given, a cavity that is created by cow’s hoof in the earth how much water it holds is brahmananda and by serving Narayana ananda is like ocean. And when Narayana is attracted by Nandanandana Krsna and Krsna Himself is attracted by His beauty, Brahmananda is nothing, not an iota, not an atomic part, that is the place. Radha-kunda is higher, highest, Vrndavan is the place of Rasa lila and Goverdhan is superior to Vrndavan and Radha-kunda is the highest where they have dedicated fully for service of Krsna, to satisfy Krsna. There are waves of ananda which you cannot imagine. Everybody wants ananda and ananda is not here, it seems like ananda. When you become averse to Sri Krsna, you see this world which is created by the illusory energy, it seems to be ananda but that is a shadow that has got no real existence and you jump into it like the insects by seeing the light of the Sun they jump into that and get burnt, and you shall be burnt there. For that reason if you can get the grace of such devotees, if that is possible in any birth, we do not know, and even if you can get, we have got our Gurudev or God-brothers of our Gurudev, but superficially externally I came in contact with them, their transcendental form I have no touch. So even if we get actual touch of suddha bhakta, because we have no actual sharanagati, unconditional surrender, we cannot be remaining devoted. We think they are also like human beings. Then the whole life will be unsuccessful. We have to think seriously as we have got this human birth so that we can get success in our life.

    The mid-day pastime is the highest where Krsna gets the highest bliss, the competition is not for one’s own pleasure, but to serve Krsna and please Him. There, joking (parihasa), etc. is also for Krsna’s satisfaction. Nothing is for their own satisfaction, everything is for the satisfaction of Krsna and Radharani. That is the place Radha-kunda. There are so many varieties of pastimes and some of the pastimes are mentioned here. All are not mentioned because we may not be able to understand this. The Object of Worship of the Gopis is Radha-Krsna. We are to remember this, Bhakti Vinod Thakur has written. We do not know when, in which birth we will get this highest transcendental realm.

Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math © 2025